HEAR our most recent sermon
We preach through books of the Bible chapter by chapter in order to better see the context and larger connection to the overarching story of the scriptures.

Clothes & Kids
Most people dress in fairly casual clothing, so you don’t need to feel the need to dress up (though you are free to do so!) Come as you are. We provide a nursery, as well as children’s church (4 years-5th grade) during the sermon. In order to help all ages follow the sermon, we offer a word search and fill-in-the-blanks summary each week with the bulletin. We try to wrap up the service by 11:15 am. Make sure to grab some Panera bread in the lobby to bring home or share with your neighbors!

At Harbor our instrumentation usually includes guitar, keyboard, bass, drums, piano, cello, violin, and vocalists. We pull our music from several sources, but we try each week to offer a balance of newer praise songs, as well as re-tuned and newer hymns. And because we want to see a greater diversity in our worship, we include a variety of styles and genres.

Loosely Liturgical
We use a “loose liturgy” which simply means order of worship. As many churches have done before us, we include elements like a Call to Worship, a Prayer for the Kingdom and Confession of Sin, an Affirmation of Faith, Prayer for the Children, a Sermon, and a Benediction. Each week we are re-telling the Gospel story to one another in our liturgy, in our songs, and in our sermons.