
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men

Matthew 4:19

The men’s ministry of Harbor Community Church is all about relationships . . . first with God, then each other, and finally with our community. The ministry strives to provide additional opportunities to move to a deeper spiritual maturity and focuses on building safe, gospel-centered community.

Men's Bible Studies 

Harbor offers an evening Men's Bible Study that meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:15 pm. We take a break when we have our monthly meal gatherings.

Monthly Gatherings 

The Harbor Men meet once a month for dinner, fellowship, and a discussion. This time is designed to build new friendships, as well as to provide an honest, safe community for men of all ages to flourish.

Wednesday, September 11th - 6:30pm: HarborMen’s Gathering
Join the HarborMen for an American-themed food night with Hamburgers, Corn Dogs, Corn on Cob, and more. As always we’ll have good fellowship and helpful discussion. Register and please also indicate what you’d like to bring!

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