Here's a 5-day devotional guide based on the themes from the sermon.

Day 1: The Power of the Cross
Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Devotional: The message of the cross often seems foolish to the world, but for believers, it is the very power and wisdom of God. Consider the fact that we would never have dreamed up this message. We would have been like the disciples who thought Jesus' plan was insane. If we were wrong about that, then maybe we can trust God with other things which seem crazy at first? Have you ever found yourself doubting its power or relevance in your daily struggles? Remember that the cross is not just about past forgiveness, but ongoing transformation. Ask God to help you see the cross as a continual source of strength and wisdom, shaping how you think and act each day.

Day 2: Living Out Our New Identity
Reading: Colossians 3:1-17

Devotional: Paul reminds the Corinthians to live consistently with who God has made them to be - sanctified and set apart. As you read Colossians 3, consider areas in your life where you might not be fully embracing your new identity in Christ. If Jews wanted to see powerful signs and Greeks wanted to appear wise, why would you be exempt from being affected by either? How have you seen yourself prioritizing power or the appearance of wisdom? Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you to "put on" your new self, living out the reality of who you are in Christ.

Day 3: The Ongoing Work of Salvation
Reading: Philippians 2:12-13

Devotional: Salvation is not just a past event, but an ongoing process. Paul speaks of "being saved" as both a passive but continual work of God's grace. Today, ponder what areas of your life still need God's saving work. How are we to begin to think differently? How are we to act differently this week? Remember, God is at work in you both to will and to act according to His good purpose. Invite Him to continue His transforming work in your life.

Day 4: Embracing God's Wisdom
Reading: James 3:13-18

Devotional: The world's wisdom often clashes with God's wisdom. Reflect on areas where you might be relying more on worldly wisdom than God's. Are you seeking status, power, or self-sufficiency in ways that contradict the message of the cross? Ask God for the humility to embrace His counter-cultural wisdom, trusting that His ways, though often challenging, lead to true life and peace.

Day 5: Finding Strength in Weakness
Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Devotional: The cross teaches us that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Today, consider the areas where you feel most inadequate or vulnerable. Instead of trying to hide or overcome these weaknesses in your own strength, bring them before God. Ask Him to demonstrate His power through your limitations. Reflect on how embracing your weaknesses might actually open you up to experiencing more of God's grace and power in your life.